SPINNER,WEAVER, DYER, SEAMSTRESS,& PAINTER OF FINE RITUAL GARMENTS AND JUDAICA. Day job is Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and Herbalist
A married mother of three children. We love experimentation, art projects and anything we can do together. We love playing music, camping and going to amazing people's fairs and painting together.
I have a passion to create with paint tambourines or upcycling items for use or home decor.
I love buying luscious fabrics and spin raw flax and hemp.
The texture of skin of tambourines and drums makes things interesting and difficult at the same time. You have to learn to work with the surface. I let it take me where it likes and usually tells me what will work. For this reason, my pieces are imperfect but amazing. I don't intend for them to look like a computer or mass generated printed item. Each piece is an original.
Every item in my store is handmade with love and passion and with complete Kavanna (concentration) with Lishma (intention) and of hiddur mitvah.
Other hats are Homeschooling Teacher, Master Gardener, Artisan Distiller and Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist Practitioner.
Below was written by Jewish Art Now Magazine in 2003
Jewish by Birth and was born in the deep south in the late 1960's. Became
religious and started painting Tambourines which she began doing in various
Chabad Houses during Rosh Kodesh women's events put on by the house
Rebbetzen. Motivated and moved by the story of Miriam the prophetess.
Rivka began to paint at home outside the occasional Chabad events
known today as "Women's Circle". Today her art is displayed and sold in many
Jewish fairs and art shows, have conducted thousands of workshops across
the country. She has become the Artist and Jewish Tambourine Art Maaven she is today
by much hard work, inspiration from her travels and with enthusiasm to
create more beauty into the world to create Tikkun Olam.